Team Ice Breaker Activities


The 4 C's stand for car, color, cartoon character, and cuisine. Ask each team member to write down a car, color, cartoon character, and cuisine that best describes who they are and explain why. It is a quick virtual activity to improve team bonding and know each other's interests better.

Grab and show

This activity will provide insight about the worker’s work environment at home. Start by saying, “Grab and show me what’s…..”

  • on your left
  • on your right
  • in front of you
  • etc.

Pictionary Use the random word generator link to have a random word selected. One person on your team is designated to be the first person to draw a picture of whatever random Pictionary word is generated. Once they see the word, they have 5 seconds to think before they begin to draw. Once they begin drawing, they have 1 minute to try to get the team to guess the random word. 

Two Truths and a Lie

One of the most used and popular team-building games is having each team member take turns sharing three fun “facts” about themselves: two things that are true and one that is a lie. The other team members must guess which statement is a lie.


Each team member grabs a coin out of a bag and explains what they were up to the year the coin was minted, or what they would do if they could time travel to that year. You don’t have to use pennies; it can be nickels, quarters or even paper money with the issue date. Remote teams can improvise by choosing money they have at home. To make it competitive, see who is paying attention and ask how much money was presented during the game and the response that is closest to the correct amount wins.

Show and Tell

Before the meeting, come up with three prompts, asking participants to respond with an answer or a photo. Prompt examples are "What's the most interesting item you can reach from where you're sitting?" or "What's the most fun you've had recently?" For each prompt, team members submit three to displayed at random, allowing the submitter an opportunity to show off to everyone and talk about it. Present the first prompt, either verbally or sharing your screen for video conferences, and take turns asking participants to respond, giving them up to two minutes to speak. After everyone has responded, present the next prompt and repeat. Repeat until all participants have responded to all the prompts.

Spot the Difference

This game is done best with no virtual backgrounds and a space with items behind the team member. The first player gives the team about one minute to study their background. Once the team feels they know what items are in the background, the player turns off their camera (and sound too, if necessary!) and removes an object from the background. The team must guess which item was removed.